
Principal Faculty
Simona Cipriani, the owner of the Art of Control Pilates studio and educational director of the Art and Science of Contrology® Pilates Instructor Training (ASCPIT), has been a certified instructor of the Authentic Pilates Method since 1993. Ms. Cipriani, a Second-Generation Pilates Instructor, studied extensively with Romana Kryzanowska at Drago’s Gym in New York City, where she taught by Romana’s side for many years. A dancer for more than 45 years, Ms. Cipriani started performing professionally at the age of 14 in Italy and continued to dance throughout Europe and the United States. During the past years, she has traveled throughout the US, Europe, Asia, and Australia teaching Pilates seminars and workshops. Ms. Cipriani served as a massage therapist for the athletes at the 2004 Olympic games in Athens, Greece, and 2006 in Torino, Italy. She has published two Pilates DVD series and a book.
Dr. Joe Muscolino is a licensed chiropractic physician and teaches anatomy and physiology at Purchase College, State University of New York (SUNY). Dr. Muscolino taught kinesiology and musculoskeletal and visceral anatomy, physiology, pathology, and assessment courses at the Connecticut Center for Massage Therapy (CCMT), from 1986–2010. Dr. Muscolino is also an approved provider by the National Program Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) for continuing education (CE) credit. He runs numerous advanced study workshops, including his Program “LearnMuscles Continuing Education” (LMCE) for manual and movement professionals.

Yung-Li Chen

Yung-Li is a Third Generation Pilates Instructor with an extensive background in dance. She recently completed her third Instructor training program with Simona Cipriani, a second-generation master teacher, at The Art of Control in Connecticut, USA. She holds an MFA in Choreography from the Conservatory of Dance at Purchase College/SUNY, as well as certifications from the Equinox Pilates Comprehensive Bridge Program, Balanced Pilates 500 Hour Comprehensive Course, Exhale Spa (Barre), OM (Yoga), and Pilates 949 (TRX). Yung-Li is also an avid runner and has completed marathons in NYC, Hawaii, Berlin, and 2023 Chicago.

Yung-Li has been employed as a professional Pilates instructor at Equinox, Goldman Sachs, Chelsea Piers Fitness, New York Road Runners, and other top-ranking NYC Fitness boutiques and venues. Yung-Li is adept at working with diverse clientele. She counts among her clients Wall Street bankers, NYC mothers, fathers, and grandparents, as well as many celebrities.

Her performance credits include The Mile-Long Opera, 2015 NY Fashion Week for Givenchy/Marina Abramovic, Kate Weare Dance Company, Jacobs Pillow, and Judson Dance Theater.

陳詠俐是第三代 Pilates 認證教官,為旅居紐約15年的舞者與編舞家。

師承第二代大師 Simona Cipriani( 美國康涅狄格州 The Art of Control 教室),並在2021拿到古典皮拉提斯師資教官證照。

曾教授名人:慾望城市米蘭達 Cynthia Nixon(辛西雅·尼克森)、網球名將 Maria Sharapova(莎拉波娃)、演員 Joel Edgerton(喬爾·埃哲頓)。

合作教室:Equinox、Goldman Sachs 高盛集團、半島酒店、Chelsea Piers 與其他 NYC Pilates 教室 。

自小在台習舞,擁有紐約州立大學帕切斯學院舞蹈碩士學位,「運動是我生活中美好的一部分。」旅美期間接觸 Yoga、Pilates、Barre 等運動,並成為專業教練。目前治理完成世界六大馬拉松。 於2018完成紐約馬拉松全馬和2019夏威夷馬拉松全馬組競賽,並在2022以3:38:48完成第三場德國柏林全馬馬拉松。

詠俐分享「我喜歡古典皮拉提斯的精準、高效率,動作變化豐富有趣,並能訓練全身肌肉,它讓我更能覺察自己的身體,永遠都有能挑戰、精進的空間。我感到十分幸運並很感激我的導師 Simona Cipriani。她無私的教授她的知識給予她的學生們,並營造一個正向、互相成長學習的環境。因為她,讓我更清楚明瞭皮拉提斯, 體驗到真正皮拉提斯先生設計這些動作背後的理念與用意。 我希望將這套在美國、歐洲、韓國、普及全世界的古典皮拉提斯系統引進台灣,與台灣的大家們一同成長。皮拉提斯也改善我的疼痛,預防我在訓練馬拉松比賽的期間不受傷,並讓身體線條更為緊實、修長、強壯。